I need help budget

Budget vs Actual (2 points)- In the first homework you filled in your budget for the first month of the term. During the month you have been keeping track of all of your money coming in and going out. 1.) Turn in your Dollar Diet showing how you track your individual transactions (Excel, Mint, bank, paper, etc.). 2.) Use this tracking to then fill in the actuals column in the budget vs actual spreadsheet you turned in as part of Homework 1.
Index Fund Worksheet (
Download Index Fund Worksheet (
2 points)- Do some research and compare three different S&P 500 funds.
Retirement calculation (2 points)- Determine how much you are going to need at retirement. Go to this site
Links to an external site.
and estimate your needs at retirement. Turn in the report showing your findings.
Reflection (2 points)- In a word document answer the questions below in a brief reflection with a total minimum word count of 500.
● What is your retirement savings strategy? How do you think this will evolve as you age?
● There is no financial reason to pay higher fees for the same fund. Having said that, some individuals may due to loyalty to a financial advisor, a fund family or overall convenience. Could you foresee yourself paying higher fees for one of these reasons or others?
Rubric Homework
Criter ia
Ratings Pt s
This criteri on is
2 pts

linked to a Learni ng Outco me
Item 1
2 pts
Full Mark s
1.5 pts
Complete but with inaccuracies
1 pts
Not complete or many inaccuracies
0 pts
Missing or blank
This criteri on is linked to a Learni ng Outco me
Item 2
2 pts
Ful l Ma rks
1.5 pts
Complete but with inaccuracies
1 pts
Not complete or many inaccuracies
0 pts
Missi ng or blank
2 pts
This criteri on is linked to a Learni ng Outco me
Item 3
2 pt s
F ul l M ar k s
1.5 pts
Complete but with inaccura cies
1 pts
Not complete or many inaccuraci es
0 pts
Mis sin g or bla nk
2 pts

This criteri on is linked to a Learni ng Outco me
Refle ction
2 p t s
F u l l M a r k s
1.5 pts
Compl ete but with inaccu racies
1 pts
Not comple te or many inaccur acies
0 pt s
Mi ss in g or bl an k
2 pts
Total Points: 8


https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/locus-of-control#:~:text=Locus%20of%20control%2 0refers%20to,abilities%2C%20actions%2C%20or%20mistakes.

https://www.khanacademy.org/test-prep/mcat/individuals-and-society/self-identity/v/self-esteem- self-efficacy-and-locus-of-control
It’s presentation time!
You will prepare a VoiceOver PowerPoint.
Do the following:
–Complete the locus of control assessment HERE
Links to an external site.
–Develop a Voiceover PowerPoint presentation
Links to an external site.
to submit to the discussion board below (you do not have to respond to any of your classmates; though viewing their videos might provide some insight for you):
–you can also create a PowerPoint and then use this FREE screen recorder
Links to an external site.
to record your voiceover.
**one slide that introduces yourself
**one slide that summarizes how you are described in the LOC assessment
**one slide that explains why you agree or disagree
**one slide that summarizes how your LOC might influence your communication with team members

**one slide that highlights potential barriers to effective communication with a team member who has the opposite LOC
**final slide that concludes your presentation
Be sure to:
>ensure correct grammar and spelling
>speak clearly and at an easy-to-follow rate
>include any outside resource(s) you’d like
Rubric for grading:
Point Range
Total: 20
Week 5 Discussion
Locus of Control Presentation
Content /5 points A minimum of 6 slides that correspond with the assignment
expectations. /5 points Audio is clear, articulate, and concise.
/5 points Presentation focuses on Locus of Control, and self-assessment
/5 points Slides are free of spelling, punctuation, capitalization or grammar errors.
Slides are easy to read (font, spacing, color, etc.)
Slides are accurate: sentence structure, language use


Forestry Management Outline
Background information
Should specifically be relevant to the variables you made graphs for today in class
In-text citations for your background information
Specifically: Need hypotheses addressing variables we made graphs for today in class (i.e. tree density, canopy cover, species richness, and average DBH) and compare these across the two types of forest. You should have hypotheses for each variable. Hypotheses do not have to align with the results. You could make them based on what you might have initially thought would happen and then discuss why you think your results are different in your discussion.
In paragraph format you should write that your study site was Lincoln National Forest and you randomly chose starting points for a 100m transect in both managed and unmanaged forest stands. Then you generated 5 random numbers as random points along that transect to conduct point quarter method tree sampling (Mitchell, 2007). Reword this into your own methods section (I recommend scanning the methods in the Mitchell paper that explains the point quarter method in more detail. You need to cite the Mitchell paper here in the methods because you used the methods outlined in that paper to get your data.
List the measurements that were collected (column names in the excel datasheet you worked with today) and how you recorded those measurements. You should know how they got distance to nearest tree, canopy cover, etc because this was what you did when we went out to the horseshoe – just pretend we were in Lincoln National Forest doing the same things instead.
Paragraph describing the main take-aways from the graphs you created, including values/numbers, and reference those graphs at the end of the sentence (Figure 1)
Table labels = on top
Figure labels = below
Read lab instructions and make sure you have all graphs and tables required for the lab
Make sure unit of measurement is included on y-axis
Give descriptive chart titles
Make sure your chart makes sense. If it doesn’t try changing chart style.
Interpret the main findings that you wrote about in your results paragraph.
Say specifically whether your hypotheses were supported or not and offer some reasons why this was the case. Can use additional in-text citations here if you need to.
Have a big picture sentence that explains why your findings are important for this particular field (in this case: forest management).
References Cited/Literature Cited:
At least 3 peer-reviewed citations in correct APA format and in alphabetical order. If you don’t cite it in the text, it should not be included. Likewise, if you *do* cite it in the text, it needs to be included in your literature cited.


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child trauma


All children face adversities in life. A child’s individual and family histories and the resources that are available in the community can “tip the scale” to increase the chances of positive outcomes and encourage the development of resilience.
Review the article  Supportive Relationships and Active Skill-Building Strength the Foundations of Resilience.  Then watch these videos from Harvard University’s Center for the Developing Child to learn more about resilience in children and their communities:
· What is Resilience?  (2015 video, 2 minutes in length, captioned)
· How Resilience is Built  (2015 video, 2 minutes in length, captioned)
· The Science of Resilience  (2015 video, 2 minutes in length, captioned)
Then write 2 pages
1. Based on what you learned from the videos and readings explain what the fulcrum represents and how it helps us to understand resilience in children who have experienced toxic stress or trauma.
2. What are some individual (child) and family factors that help determine whether the child moves toward positive outcomes or negative outcomes after facing adversity or trauma?
3. What are some resources that communities and societies need to help improve the resilience of children?
4. What programs or services would you propose in your own community to help build resilience among children? Explain why you believe these services are needed and how they would help.

feedback week one

Excellent evaluation model and initial plan. In general, the effectiveness of the information you have provided will come together seamlessly. Do you plan to have more than one interview to develop the model or from multiple directors? Or will you go with one director who is in a position of experience or referenced to be highly valued as an authorized representative of Mental Health America to give you information? The information gained from key informants would add elements of emotion for the programs where direct involvement occurs; this is usually where hands-on experiences and staff development implement treatment for a patient, family, and community (Nicholson & Valentine, 2019). I enjoyed reading your discussion and learned a lot. Thank you.
Nicholson J, & Valentine A. (2019). Key informants specify core elements of peer support for parents with serious mental illness. National Library of Medicine. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6409303/ 
Excellent evaluation model and initial plan. In general, the effectiveness of the information you have provided will come together seamlessly. Do you plan to have more than one interview to develop the model or from multiple directors? Or will you go with one director who is in a position of experience or referenced to be highly valued as an authorized representative of Mental Health America to give you information? The information gained from key informants would add elements of emotion for the programs where direct involvement occurs; this is usually where hands-on experiences and staff development implement treatment for a patient, family, and community (Nicholson & Valentine, 2019). I enjoyed reading your discussion and learned a lot. Thank you.
Nicholson J, & Valentine A. (2019). Key informants specify core elements of peer support for parents with serious mental illness. National Library of Medicine. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6409303/ 
Excellent evaluation model and initial plan. In general, the effectiveness of the information you have provided will come together seamlessly. Do you plan to have more than one interview to develop the model or from multiple directors? Or will you go with one director who is in a position of experience or referenced to be highly valued as an authorized representative of Mental Health America to give you information? The information gained from key informants would add elements of emotion for the programs where direct involvement occurs; this is usually where hands-on experiences and staff development implement treatment for a patient, family, and community (Nicholson & Valentine, 2019). I enjoyed reading your discussion and learned a lot. Thank you.
Nicholson J, & Valentine A. (2019). Key informants specify core elements of peer support for parents with serious mental illness. National Library of Medicine. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6409303/ 
Excellent evaluation model and initial plan. In general, the effectiveness of the information you have provided will come together seamlessly. Do you plan to have more than one interview to develop the model or from multiple directors? Or will you go with one director who is in a position of experience or referenced to be highly valued as an authorized representative of Mental Health America to give you information? The information gained from key informants would add elements of emotion for the programs where direct involvement occurs; this is usually where hands-on experiences and staff development implement treatment for a patient, family, and community (Nicholson & Valentine, 2019). I enjoyed reading your discussion and learned a lot. Thank you.
Nicholson J, & Valentine A. (2019). Key informants specify core elements of peer support for parents with serious mental illness. National Library of Medicine. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6409303/ 
Excellent evaluation model and initial plan. In general, the effectiveness of the information you have provided will come together seamlessly. Do you plan to have more than one interview to develop the model or from multiple directors? Or will you go with one director who is in a position of experience or referenced to be highly valued as an authorized representative of Mental Health America to give you information? The information gained from key informants would add elements of emotion for the programs where direct involvement occurs; this is usually where hands-on experiences and staff development implement treatment for a patient, family, and community (Nicholson & Valentine, 2019). I enjoyed reading your discussion and learned a lot. Thank you.
Nicholson J, & Valentine A. (2019). Key informants specify core elements of peer support for parents with serious mental illness. National Library of Medicine. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6409303/ 
Excellent evaluation model and initial plan. In general, the effectiveness of the information you have provided will come together seamlessly. Do you plan to have more than one interview to develop the model or from multiple directors? Or will you go with one director who is in a position of experience or referenced to be highly valued as an authorized representative of Mental Health America to give you information? The information gained from key informants would add elements of emotion for the programs where direct involvement occurs; this is usually where hands-on experiences and staff development implement treatment for a patient, family, and community (Nicholson & Valentine, 2019). I enjoyed reading your discussion and learned a lot. Thank you.
Nicholson J, & Valentine A. (2019). Key informants specify core elements of peer support for parents with serious mental illness. National Library of Medicine. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6409303/ 
Excellent evaluation model and initial plan. In general, the effectiveness of the information you have provided will come together seamlessly. Do you plan to have more than one interview to develop the model or from multiple directors? Or will you go with one director who is in a position of experience or referenced to be highly valued as an authorized representative of Mental Health America to give you information? The information gained from key informants would add elements of emotion for the programs where direct involvement occurs; this is usually where hands-on experiences and staff development implement treatment for a patient, family, and community (Nicholson & Valentine, 2019). I enjoyed reading your discussion and learned a lot. Thank you.
Nicholson J, & Valentine A. (2019). Key informants specify core elements of peer support for parents with serious mental illness. National Library of Medicine. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6409303/ 
Excellent evaluation model and initial plan. In general, the effectiveness of the information you have provided will come together seamlessly. Do you plan to have more than one interview to develop the model or from multiple directors? Or will you go with one director who is in a position of experience or referenced to be highly valued as an authorized representative of Mental Health America to give you information? The information gained from key informants would add elements of emotion for the programs where direct involvement occurs; this is usually where hands-on experiences and staff development implement treatment for a patient, family, and community (Nicholson & Valentine, 2019). I enjoyed reading your discussion and learned a lot. Thank you.
Nicholson J, & Valentine A. (2019). Key informants specify core elements of peer support for parents with serious mental illness. National Library of Medicine. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6409303/ 
Excellent evaluation model and initial plan. In general, the effectiveness of the information you have provided will come together seamlessly. Do you plan to have more than one interview to develop the model or from multiple directors? Or will you go with one director who is in a position of experience or referenced to be highly valued as an authorized representative of Mental Health America to give you information? The information gained from key informants would add elements of emotion for the programs where direct involvement occurs; this is usually where hands-on experiences and staff development implement treatment for a patient, family, and community (Nicholson & Valentine, 2019). I enjoyed reading your discussion and learned a lot. Thank you.
Nicholson J, & Valentine A. (2019). Key informants specify core elements of peer support for parents with serious mental illness. National Library of Medicine. National Center for Biotechnology Information.  https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6409303/

cos 2


Submit the source code .java file(s) on Ecampus.  It’s o.k. to combine the three questions into one compilable java file.  
1. Create a program named sign.java.  Ask the user which month and day they were born.  Output their birthstone and zodiac sign.  You should have these two methods in your program:   String Birthstone(int Month) String ZodiacSign(int Month, int Day)
Example output: What month were you born (1-12)? 5 What day of the month were you born? 21 Your birthstone is Emerald. Your zodiac sign is Gemini. Challenge:  Include the Chinese zodiac animal.  This requires you ask ask the user for the year they were born.
2. Create a program named board.java.  Create a 10×10 two dimensional array of characters.  Fill all 100 elements with a period.  Next, fill ten random elements with a plus symbol.  Place your last name initial in a random location.  Output the array using a nested for loop in this format: . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . K . . . . . . + . . . . . + . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . + . . . . . . . . . . . . + . + + . . . . . . .  
3. Create a program named roman.java.  Ask the user to enter a Roman Numeral.  Output the numeric value of the Roman Numeral.  You should have the following method in your program:  int RomanToDecimal(String R) Here’s some numbers to test your program with:  MCMXLII = 1942, MCMLXIX = 1969, DCCCLXXXVIII = 888
Hint: In the RomanToDecimal method, create a for loop that steps through each character of roman numeral.  M = 1000, D = 500, C = 100, L = 50, X = 10, V = 5, I = 1.   MDCLXVI = 1000 + 500 + 100 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 = 1666 If a digit is out of order, then it is subtracted from the next digit.  This is only used for these combinations: CM = 900, CD = 400, XC = 90, XL = 40, IX = 9, IV = 4

psychology help


Project Implicit – Visit Harvard University’s Project Implicit website. Take self-assessments for four of the following: race, religion, gender, age, sexuality, and disability. Write up a brief 1-page response to your experience including your results and your reaction/response to this experience.
Cultural Identity Project – Create a slide presentation (PowerPoint or similar project using a web- based platform) describing your cultural identity and its impact on your life and interactions with others.
Cultural Immersion Paper (KPI)- Use textbooks, class materials, outside sources, and use APA format (Note: first person expression is expected). Reflect on your experiences and your prior preconceived ideas. Which of those preconceived ideas are now open to re-interpretation and why? What have you learned about yourself and “them” now that the immersion is over? Take what you have learned about this group and yourself and apply it in a counseling context. Assume you have a client from this group and discuss each of the following: Use the insights you gained into your preconceived ideas of this group to identify ways you will cope with your internal dialogue about clients from this group. Have your biases shifted, and how will you keep your internalized biases at bay? What are some likely counseling issues you might expect from this group and why? What approaches (counseling and systemic) will you use and why?


Week4 discussion

Strayer University is moving to a new HR or payroll system that is sponsored by a firm called Workday.com. You have been asked to oversee the stakeholder management aspects of this project.
Identify some of the key stakeholders at Strayer, and describe how you plan to keep them engaged during your year-long project. Be sure to include the appropriate methods, since not all of your stakeholders are located at the HQ office in Herndon, VA.

Nursing Capstone Part I: PICOT Assignment

MSN Capstone Project
Exercise Content
Top of Form
The PICOT will be a health issue identified at work or in the community. Be creative! There are certain topics that have been saturated in healthcare and have been implemented multiple times already.  Do not present on the following topics:
Diabetes, CHF, Blood pressure, Infection Control (hand washing, post op infections), Medication compliance programs, Telemedicine/Home programs
1.  Title Page
2. Introduction to your proposed problem: 
– Significance of the Practice Problem: Discuss the identified Practice Problem.
-Introduce the topic of the paper. 
-Describe the health problem. Don’t type “Introduction.”
-Using data and statistics, support your claim that your selected issue is a problem.
– Include your purpose statement and what specifically you will address in your proposed program. 
-Be sure your proposed outcome is realistic and measurable.
3. PICOT- Should be discussed in detail. This section should include your PICOT question but also should provide thorough descriptions of your population, intervention, comparison intervention, outcome, and timing (if appropriate to your question).
The word PICOT is a mnemonic derived from the elements of a clinical research question – patient, intervention, comparison, outcome, and (sometimes) time. The PICOT process begins with a case scenario, and the question is phrased to elicit an answer. P – Patient/Problem I – Intervention C – Comparison O – Outcome T – Timeframe
4. Describe the vulnerable population 
-Discuss the impact of social determinants on health for your selected population.
-What are the risk factors that make this a vulnerable population? 
-Use evidence to support the risk factors you have identified. 
5. Research should be from scholarly journals of evidence-based interventions that address the problem.
-Peer-reviewed research articles not older than five years (all articles must be used in your paper)
6. Proposal 
-Propose addressing the selected health problem using an evidence-based intervention in your literature search to address the problem in the selected population/setting. 
-Include a thorough discussion of the specifics of this intervention which include resources necessary, those involved, and feasibility for a nurse in an advanced role.
-Be sure to include a timeline for the intervention proposed. 
7. Theoretical Framework/Nursing Theory- This section should include the theoretical framework which supports your project. Describe a theory or model to serve as the foundation for your project.
– Overall, you should be able to introduce the problem and why this is significant to the healthcare system. For example: What impact does it have on the patient, community, cost of care, quality of life, readmissions and so forth
-Use appropriate APA 7th Ed. format along with Syllabus outline
-Scholarly, peer-reviewed, and research articles cited should be within the last five years. 
-This section should be 3 pages long (not including the title and reference page).
 -Use proper in-text citations with a properly formatted reference list. 
 -All papers must be written in the 3rd person.
Bottom of Form